Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Image result for Nearpod

       Nearpod is an application that can be utilized in the classroom. The price of Nearpod is $349 a year or $29 a month. It is a platform that allows teachers to deliver lessons, implement activities, and even provide assessments to students. This application is pre-loaded with over seven thousand ready-to-run, customizable lessons that teachers can access on any device. These lessons span over all of the subjects including science, English language arts, math, social studies, and even digital citizenship. This application also supports the use of virtual reality headsets. The virtual reality feature allows students to go on virtual field trips to places all over the world. This allows teachers to make the learning personal to the students and apply content beyond the four walls of the classroom. 

The following video provides information on Nearpod and its various features.

       I had the opportunity to use this application to implement my lessons in a fourth grade social studies classroom at Donehoo Elementary in Gadsden, Alabama. I used the quiz feature to assess student learning before, during, and after the lesson. I also took the students on a virtual field trip to the United States Capitol building. The students had a blast learning about the branches of government and how congress passes legislation. I personally feel that this is an amazing platform that can transform any classroom into a twenty-first century learning environment. Upon further research, I learned that they have added more features to this application, one of which allows students to view three dimensional objects such as dinosaurs. If I can manage to find the money to purchase this application, I would love to implement it in my future classroom. I believe that the features it possesses could be extremely beneficial in improving student engagement and comprehension.

The following pictures display all of the various features and tools that Nearpod has to offer.

Image result for nearpod features

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