Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Flipped Classroom Model

       The flipped classroom model is an instructional method that uses technology such as a podcast or a video as instructional materials. In this model, the students are required to watch or listen to videos, read articles or excerpts from online websites, interact with online activities, and engage in critical thinking activities. The teacher provides materials for the students to use in order to find the content and information they need to learn to meet a certain objective. The teacher is only there to facilitate the learning while the students are tasked with providing their own learning.

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       I personally feel that this works better in the upper grade levels. This is definitely more of a hands-off approach to teaching. The teacher is responsible for providing resources such as videos, podcasts, and websites for students to use to find information. The students are responsible for demonstrating their learning through blogging, presentations, discussion boards, and reflective videos or podcasts.

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       This model is great for allowing students to learn at their own pace. It allows students to take their time on the topics that they do not completely comprehend. If a student misses a day, they can catch up easily because all of the materials are online and available to the students not only at school but at home as well. I feel that this model could be very beneficial in promoting students to become independent and take ownership of their learning.

The following video provides information on the benefits of the flipped classroom model.

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