Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Whole Brain Teaching

       Whole brain teaching is designed for students from kindergarten all the way through college. The basis of whole brain teaching is mimicry and student engagement. Students who participate in whole brain teaching are constantly engaged in learning. I feel that this method would be absolutely mentally and physically exhausting. The students are required to repeat and mimic the actions of the teacher while following very specific procedures and instructions.

Image result for whole brain teaching

       Chris Biffle is the founder of whole brain teaching. His goal was to empower teachers and students all over the world to take ownership of their learning and learn to be detail oriented when completing tasks. There are many mixed reviews on whether this method is effective or not. I believe that it depends on the students you have. I use bits and pieces of this method in my kindergarten placement, my favorite being the class - yes call. The following picture presents the main rules for a classroom that implements whole brain teaching.

Image result for whole brain teaching

The following video shows Chris Biffle implementing examples of whole brain teaching.

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